
With the O’bots there seems to be this misconception that I am anti- Obama because I am a rabid vagina voter who is upset that a girl (any girl) might be beat to the white house by a boy.

Lemme clarify.

I will not vote for Obama because of his own failings. While the behavior of the Blogger Boyz and the O’bots and even Michelle Obama are ATROCIOUS, it is Obama himself who has made it impossible for me to vote for him. And that doesn’t actually have anything to do with Hillary.

And I am not pro-Hillary simply because I want to see a woman in the White House (though I do very very much want to see that- if it was just a matter of getting a vagina in power then I would have supported Elizabeth Dole a few years ago). I like Hillary’s policies. I trust her experience. And I think she is the only person in this campaign strong enough to pull our country through the coming shitstorm.

For every other election, I have not had a problem voting for someone who was not my original candidate of choice. This is the first time that the “presumptive” nominee has been such a miserable option that I cannot support him no matter what.

I believe that a President Obama would do damage to myself and my family. I believe this as a women, a parent, a member of the working class. I believe that Obama has repeatedly shown through his words and actions that the things that add to the struggle in my life are things he either doesn’t care about or are things he will make more difficult for me. And being that we are so close to the edge all ready, I cannot afford that kind of ignorance or condescension from the leader of my own party.

I also know that Hillary has a long and established record of doing things that help people like me. And we need help.

I hope it’s all clear now.