A Perfect Day

Yesterday was one of those perfect days that go on forever. There was perfect weather, awesome food, great friends and much slurry drunk conversation (my favorite kind). Some of my friends are Obama supporters, not obamabots, but thoughtful people. We got to talk about the election with anyone throwing out sexist terms, which is so very rare in this election. My friends have no problem with voting for Hillary if she is the nominee, though they know that I will not vote for Obama unless he is Hillary’s vp.

I miss that. I miss thoughtful discussion with people who are supposed to be on our side. I miss intelligent debate. While there is no way my opinion can be swayed towards Obama, it is still nice to see that we have much in common with those on the other side. After weeks of hearing nothing but screaming sexists crazies rail on about “that bitch” it made me happy.

Afterwards, a bunch of us packed up and continued the drinking at my house- where every single boy in the room had voted for Hillary in the primary. Every one. And contrary to popular belief, they were young (all under 35), well educated members of the creative class. (Actually I had a house full of Microsoft employees last night- not terribly uncommon here but still I feel a bit like I’m being absorbed by the borg).

I will still continue to mock the bots mercilessly, but it’s good to know they are not all Kooliad cultists. And no one once mentioned the words hope or unity.

Which oddly enough, gives me hope.