Here’s where I ask the fearless readers to do something icky for the Kid

As i mentioned, the Kid is studying the constitution and in a few weeks they are having debates on various topic. The Kid was going to do pro-gay marriage, but that got shot down by the principal (I think they didn’t ant to make anyone take the anti-side).

Since the Kid, lovable moppet that he is, is perpetually late to his first class, he missed the sign up period and got stuck with………

wait for it………..

wait for it………

Arguing the pro side of governmental wire tapping.

Now he is my kid and we are nothing if not kick ass debaters. Even though we both shudder at the idea of wiretapping, we want him to win his debate.

So I need you darling readers to put on your best scary republican face and make like wiretapping is a good thing. We need 6 pro-wiretapping sources by Monday. We need good arguments. And I need your help cause I’m having a hard time bending my mind around it (don’t forget- I’m already one of those people who gets chosen for “random” bag searches nearly every time I fly so I find it hard to be cheery at more forms of government invasion into privacy).

Help my kid kick ass and I will write a post on any topic of your choosing. Wanna hear about porn? Religion? My trashy sex life? Shameless confessions about anything. Help me and you get to read about whatever you want.