Sore Loser Whiners

I keep hearing the same line of shit from the Obots “Stop being a sore loser”.

This is not a sports game, and that you are treating it like one goes straight to the heart of the problem with this entire campaign. You don’t say “stop being a sore loser” to someone in the middle of a war. And that is what we are in the middle of- a political war.

We are not going to lose a silly bet or bragging rights by losing this primary season. We will lose the heart and soul of the democratic party and all of the values that have made this party great since FDR will be thrown out the window. We are fighting to have our voices and our lives count. We are fighting because our party has been the big tent forever, but in this election cycle more and more of us (women, the poor and working classes, minorities) are being shoved out into an open field in a thunderstorm. Just like in my little roof metaphor, only now it is people who are supposed to by our allies doing the shoving and trampling.

Our votes cannot and should not be disenfranchised, marginalized, our disrespected. Our votes are earned, for us women we worked a fuck of a lot harder to get them than any of the Blogger Boyz ever did. We even worked harder than African American men did, though we worked to get them their votes too (and got thrown under the bus for 70 years for our troubles). So when someone tries to threaten and bully us into voting against our own self-interests,we know exactly what we are giving up.

Votes are earned. And Obama has not earned our votes. He has casually and callously dismissed them. And to be honest, I can’t see a moment when when there is enough water under the bridge for me to forgive that. You can’t shove us into the down pouring rain and then threaten us with broken umbrellas if we don’t agree with you. We’re all ready wet. A little more water won’t hurt us.