
One of my favorite questions to ask people is “What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?” It tells me more about the person than anything else.

So I’ve gotten a good share of compliments in my life. I’m a pretty girl, I don’t think there is a body part that hasn’t been complimented. While I love getting these kinds of compliments, they don’t generally make it into my favorites list.

Until the other night when the Hot Bulgarian (now to be known as THBWTPSC- the hot Bulgarian with the porn star cock) said I have black cherry eyes. I love black cherries. I think that’s awesome.

In lots of countries, people with my coloring, black hair and near black eyes, have a special name. Here, we don’t even think of them as black eyes- they are brown.

Before THBWTPSC, my favorite compliment was that I am dynamic. I like that. I like the idea of being quick and powerful and a force for change.

So fearless readers- what’s your favorite compliment?