We are more than just the sum of our vaginas

I heard form a friend who heard from a friend who heard from an Obamabot campaign employee that Obama is in negotiations with Hillary to give her the VP spot.

Apparently someone in the Democratic leadership figured out that you can’t win an election if a quarter of your party refuses to support the nominee.

What they fail to realize is that we are not so blinded by our need for a vagina in the White House that we will see past Obama’s serious failings just because he’s decided to give our candidate the do nothing job of VP.

Hillary being Obama’s number 2 mitigates as much of Obama’s lack of experience, sexism, and messianic cultishness as Gore’s being number 2 mitigated Bill’s affairs or Cheeney’s being number 2 mitigates Bush’s entitled stupidity- in other words, not at all.

So should the Democratic party do something so obviously condescending – I am still voting for either McKinney or writing Hillary in.

On the other hand- if Mr Postage Stamp resume wanted to take the VP spot, spend a couple of years seeing how running a government is different than running a campaign for head cult leader president, I would have no problems. He is younger and less experienced. I would hate to see our highest office turned into the corporate cliche of the woman who has worked for decades becoming the number two to the bosses favorite nephew.