Idiots, they make us laugh

Long long ago, there was a writer here named DeeK.

DeeK is a dude. Actually, DeeK is a brilliant, big, black dude. I can attest, we worked together long before we started this blog together. And then DeeK got a real job and started seriously working on his book and his other website, and we don’t see DeeK around here anymore. (Though I still see him cause we like to go drinking and oggling cute girls together)

DeeK, a true feminist ally if ever there was one, wrote a post called Why Do Men Hate Women?

This post is one of the things that brings out the crazies.

Normally I would turn the comments into a nursery rhyme, but sometimes I like to let the crazies stand. It really showcases how fucking off their rocker they are.

And what is even funnier is that the commenters always think that post was written by a girl. There is no chance of a DUDE, a DUDE WITH A PENIS, writing something that might be feminist friendly.

Sadly why do men hate women is one of the things that regularly brings people to my blog. I assume that like our batshit commenters, they are looking for a fellow rager to justify their hate. I do hope that maybe a wee bit of DeeK’s thoughtfulness sinks in, but I am not that hopeful.