Cause I really like the roof metaphor.

So Lil Ms. Randombabble sent me to this fright fest of misogyny and privilege (thanks! Now I need a bleach bath for my soul)

So this guy doesn’t think he should be held responsible for his privilege cause he didn’t start it- wah wah wah.

So I give you my comment, in full- typos and all, cause I think the metaphor works really well.

Wow- that entire piece just has white boy privilege bleeding through it.

But there’s a more important point, which is that the idea of privilege seems to me to shift the ‘blame’ for any such favoritism away from the people who propagate it and toward the people who ‘benefit’ from it.

First- who are the mythical people that propagate privilege? Is there a special committee straight, rich, thin, white heterosexual men who get together once a month to decide on the ways further their influence?


Privilege is perpetuated by people who refuse to see that they benefit from it. There is no evil cabal writing secret rules to benefit some people over others. There are just people who have privilege and don’t want to give it up- so they pretend like it doesn’t exist or it isn’t their responsibility cause they didn’t make things the way they are.

You might need to, I don’t know, go learn about how sexism and racism are institutional structures. That means they are the framework society is built on. Much like the framing of your house- you can’t exactly see them cause they are covered with a bunch of stuff. But it’s still there, holding up your roof, whether you believe in it or not.

But see that framework is built to leave a bunch of us (women, gays and lesbians, people of color, the disabled, etc) out in the rain most of the time. Sometimes we get a tiny chance to sneak under the roof for a bit. But usually we are just standing outside, soaking wet, while privileged fucks like you stand under the roof and declare that there isn’t a cloud in the sky.