Happy birthday to me, to this blog and to the Iraq War

I am still pretty sure the GW started the war on my FRICKEN BIRTHDAY just to fuck with me. Wevs, lame duck dude- I’ve got booze and friends and all you’ve got is Laura. Who I am sure is going to leave you as soon as they throw you out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

This is also the birthday of my little blog. It started 2 years and 911 posts ago (yeah conspiracy theorists- stick that in your pipe and smoke it) . And it used to be called something else. And there used to be a bunch of lazy ass boys who posted here occasionally but have gone on to other things. And it’s been through several redesigns. (All of the above is also true for me, different name, different look, different boys :)

I am so incredibly tired of the war on Musliama or Oceania, or whatever Orwellian phrase we want to call it. I am so tired of Republican politics and economics (both are based on the idea of stealing from the poor to give to the rich. )

But I am now 30 (for the 4th time). And Bush can only be president for another nine months or so. It is going to get bad for us, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Much like the lyrics of this Lily Allen song.

I have a bit of a girl crush on the lovely Lily. And yes Mr. Bush, seeing you cry makes me smile.