You say recession while we say depression

What does it mean when the Fed and the bankers work over the weekend to lower interest rates and to keep a major investment back from going under?

That we are up shit creek my friends, without a paddle. We are just a few Bush idiocies from Hoovervilles my friends. Hang on to your hats, it’s going to be a bumpy ride into poverty for a lot of folks. Those of us who are frequent poverty fliers will say that this is the worst we’ve ever seen it. And there is no help on the way us, for banks yes, but for us, no.

So my little chickadees, since this is becoming the all Hillary all the time blog, do we really want a president with little experience in handling a major crisis? Who likes to use Republican economic ideas (cause yeah- they got us this far RIGHT?)

Nope, I want Hillary. And I want her to come out swinging for social programs like the second coming of Roosevelt. She already has a long history of working to improve the lives of women and children, the people hit hardest and most often with poverty. And we’re all familiar with what the economy was like under the other Clinton (Your’s truly was actually a member of the middle class AND could afford dental work. Shocking I know).