Name that meme!

We need a meme- a giant fucking meme.

Hillary supporters are on strike at Kos, Taylor Marsh has over 1000 comments on a post about Clinton supporters who won’t vote for Obama, hell even my own little bit of traffic is up because I keep posting about how I am not going to vote against my own best interests by voting for a sexist in messianic clothing.

So much like the I am Spartacus meme from when Melissa McKewan and Amanda Marcotte got beaten up over being hired by the Edwards campaign, we need a meme.

We need some post that all of us who will not back Obama can put up. The blog world and the big boy dems need to see just how many of us there are.

However, my snazzy catch phrase abilities are broken at the moment (daily migraines are back- wheeeeeee, and it’s hard to properly clever when drugged)

So I need suggestions. I was thinking of something like “Hill are we, Barak we’re not” (Cheesy I know- I told you I am all drugged)

First person to come up with something awesome gets a big virtual cookie from me, any flavor you want.