Pot, Kettle, Kettle, Pot

Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor thinks that Hillary “ain’t had to work twice as hard just to get accepted”.

Seriously, she’s the better politician, lawyer and wonk, yet her husband was Governor and President long before she even got to start her own political career. And even before she was a politician she spent 8 years being the target of more Republican mud slinging than any first lady in history and still managed to walk out of there without a trace of dirt on her. Pastor Wright, she has worked not just twice as hard but she dealt with being slandered as a murder. Please pull your head out of your ass now, thank you.

But where is the outrage about how Obama is being tolerant of sexism because he has not come out with a strong and harshly worded condemnation of his pastors comments? Where are the news outlets that buzz whenever the word black comes out of the mouth of anyone who has ever met Hillary? I am pretty sure that Hillary could say “I’m not a fan of black coffee” and have it turned into a big ordeal about how “black coffee” is code for black people.

If Ferraro’s comments were so atrocious that Hillary had to condem them and Ferraro had to leave the campaign, shouldn’t Barak’s pastor have to do the same thing? I mean, he basically is saying that Hillary has it easier cause she’s a woman?

I am so incredibly tired of sexism being okay with the general public that I am thinking we should declare women to be our own separate, mixed race so that next time someone says something like “women are bad drivers” we can call the racist and have them shamed in the national media.