Keith, I’m Leaving You

I tried to ignore the “keeping tabs” segment of your show, wherein you and the odious Michael Musto indulge some creepy middle-aged guy compulsion to pick on Britney, Paris, and Lindsay for the imagined offense of being young, female, and visible.

I grimaced when you bent over backwards to kiss David Schuster’s ass while supposedly apologizing to Chelsea Clinton and her entire family for his obnoxious remarks.

Because I thought you were a journalist. One of the rare few in the mainstream media that would say outright “George W Bush is a criminal.”

So imagine my dismay that you can’t even pause your personal segment of the MSNBC kingmaking spin machine to observe that over the weekend Pres. Bush vetoed legislation that would have barred the CIA from using waterboarding and other means of torture ?

Not that Bush’s actions suprise me, but your silence certainly does.

the love affair with your own reflection is getting old Mr O’Reil– oops, Obam– oops. Olbermann.