Dropping “F-Bombs”


And I want to go first by saying “Fuck Yeah!”, after reading this article in the Washington Post where Juno and X-Men actress Ellen Page gave an interiview, and wasn’t afraid to use her own F-Bomb:

I call myself a feminist when people ask me if I am, and of course I am ’cause it’s about equality, so I hope everyone is. You know you’re working in a patriarchal society when the word feminist has a weird connotation. “Hippie” has a weird connotation. “Liberal” has a weird connotation.

(emphasis mine)

(I am not going to mention the idiot interviewer asking dumb questions like “Don’t all Canadians know each other?”.  Moron.)
But I just had to say “Yay!” to Ellen Page, and let everyone know that I have added her to my Girl Crush List.
Also, read that article…because I have to drop another F-Bomb:  Fuck you, anti-choicers!  Juno isn’t a “pro-life” movie like you morons would have everyone believe!  Ha!
(I promise I am finished now)
We now return you to your regularly scheduled web-surfing.