If I were voting with my emotions…

I would still be supporting John Edwards. Hearing him talk made me think I was back in church – but in a good way. He’s the preacher I wish I was.

And for a while, even though I was bothered by supporting the “white guy” in this particular contest, he was my candidate.

Then I realized he didn’t have the chops. All his pretty speeches couldn’t cover up the fact that he had no real plan to get us out of the mess we’re in.

When it became apparent the voters were aware of this fact, he changed his tune to “electability,” and I knew what he was really saying was: “you can’t trust the VOTERS to elect the GIRL or the BLACK GUY”

And if the Democrats as a party are going to distinguish themselves from the Republicans, I think TRUSTING THE VOTERS is a damn good place to start.

So I’ll work to elect whichever candidate gets the nomination.

I think Hillary Clinton is the the BEST QUALIFIED to be president.

She’s been doing this work for decades, since college, years before she met her husband.

She’s faced some of the worst slime the right can throw at a person and, not only survived, but come out a winner.

This is a woman who, as First Lady, stood up to the Chinese government on their own turf and said “Women’s rights are HUMAN RIGHTS” despite pressure from the world’s other remaining superpower to soft-pedal her remarks

She is a brilliant, savvy, negotiator, and one. tough. lady.

Barack Obama is young(ish) and idealistic, and there’s something appealing about him, and he’s got a lot of people out voting in the primary who maybe wouldn’t have come out to vote otherwise.

He’s worth some consideration, and I’m more impressed with him than I was initally.

I share his opposition to the Iraq war, but I’m tired of his carping on how he “opposed it from the beginning”   He wasn’t in office to vote for or against it, for one thing. And the lecturing threatens to alienate voters who initially, if reluctantly admitted our involvement might be a necessary evil, myself included. Now we ALL know it was just evil.

We KNOW we were wrong. We were LIED TO.
Telling most of a country “I told you so” is not Presidential, it’s just snotty.

I think he still has a lot to learn, and the Oval Office is not the best place for on-the-job training.

There’s a reason for those age requirements in the Constitution. 

Maturity matters.