Red Queen Recommends

Have you ever had soda made with actual cane sugar and not corn syrup? Unless you’re a soda snob or have traveled a bunch, probably not.

One of my ex’s, someone with a pretty solid science background, told me that there was no way you could taste the difference between a cane sugar molecule and a corn sugar molecule. He’s an ex for a reason. You can totally taste the difference. Cane sugar makes the rest of the flavors pop (coke is actually a blend of lemon, lime, orange and cola flavors but you wouldn’t know that from the heavy handed abuse leveled by corn syrup).

I can tell it’s winter because all I want to do is eat fruit. We went to the grocery store and I spent way too much money for a bag of cherries and some oranges. And I was thirsty. I wanted something that wasn’t tea or coke. I wanted something that would make my taste buds sing happy happy joy joy.

And then I found Boylan’s Black Cherry soda. Oh My Fricken Gawd, you peeps. It is the best tasting thing I have ever put in my mouth. I would totally shill for the company if they would keep in soda for life. (Hint- Hint! Make me your shill!) It’s made with cane sugar, natch and real cherries and pure goodness as far as I can tell.