Based on your results your vulva and vagina are of average quality

According to the Vagina Institute, I don’t have the pretty pretty princess porn star version of a pussy that turns men on. Really? No, really? I can think of more than a few men who would disagree and judging by repeat uhm performances, guys like my naughty bits the same way they their pringles, once you pop they can’t stop.

The idea that there is one version of acceptable pussy is laughable. Some quotes from various guy friends (some of whom I’ve slept with, others I haven’t)

“I love hairy pussy”
“I like them to be wide and loose”
“Maybe I’m a little different from guys my age, but I like more hair than you usually see” (from a hot hot grad student who adorably mispronounced labia- at least he knows what they are)
“I hate shaved pussy, I like it when the curly hairs tickle my nose”*
“I like them loose so I can really move around in there”
“I hate hate hate bare pussy”*
“I like big big lips, I really like meat curtains”*
“Big clits- easier to find”
“She was a little too furry for me, but she’s awesome in every other way”

Much like there are boys who like big, curvy girls and boys who like tiny ones,boys like different types of pussies.

And while cock size is important- each girl has a different idea of what small, big and too big are. And we won’t even get into boys whose cocks curve, but sometimes the curve is a g-spot finder and sometimes it’s just hitting the wrong spot.

Nature loves diversity. It’s good for evolution. Sameness makes populations more susceptible to catastrophe. Where we get this idea of homogeneous beauty from is from capitalism (I’m on a roll today since I pulled all the poly sci 101 stuff out). Capitalism requires huge groups of people to have the same tastes and preferences in order to sell stuff in mass quantities, sex included. So while it shouldn’t be surprising to me that they are trying to create a need (capitalism 101 folks) by making women feel bad about having a pussy that looks different from the pornified version that is supposed to be ideal, it still grosses me out. And I’m even more grossed out by the types of people who buy into this ideal.