If turtle sex is what it takes

then turtle sex is what you get. This picture was taken at the zoo in Villahermosa, Mexico. Villahermosa and most of the state of Tabasco are under water right now. Much like Katrina, very little help is coming to the poor people there. Huhm, I wonder why that is- could it be because they are brown and poor? I have to think of the fires in California just a few weeks ago. People couldn’t line up fast enough to offer evacuees yoga lessons and entertainment.

This monkey statue, also in Villahermosa looks to the sky to ask “Why is there no help for the people here? Why is the United States only offering $300,000 (yes- thousand, not millions) in aid?”

All silliness aside, Villahermosa is a lovely city and aside from it being the place where I got “whatevered” for not being a Mexican and the people are drowning in water up to their rooftops. Brownfemipower has lots of good information- you should go read over there RIGHT NOWJust a little more information- the only good pictures I found of the flood are at Brownfemipower’s place. The sad job our media is doing of covering natural disasters that affect poor people is disgusting. I am truly ashamed to be an American and a neighbor to Mexico right now.