More fun with online dating….

Cause the one thing I do know is that the really awful experiences make for great story telling.

So this guy sends me an email- Hey Gorgeous, would you like to meet sometime.

I check out his profile. His pics are cute but there really isn’t anything else written in his profile. My profile looks like fricken Chaucer in comparison, lots of things for someone point out a shared interest in.

But he’s kinda cute so I send him this email- Maybe, but I need to know more about you first.

Him: Give me your phone number and I’ll call you.

Me: I don’t give out my number to men I don’t know. Your profile doesn’t say much about you. Why don’t you tell me about yourself.

Him: There’s lots in my profile. What do you want to know. When can we meet for coffee.

Me (after his profile has been changed very very slightly) All your profile says is that your a middle aged man who lives with his parents. From your emails I gathered that you cannot start a conversation and that you are pushy and demanding. I think I have enough information to say that no- I will never be meeting you for anything.

Him (evolving into that strange place that men go when put down by women – you know the I can’t form a sentence place): Your a abuser thats why you wil always be alone never cotnact me agin

I think there is a line in Pride and Prejudice about “what do we live for but to make sport for our friends and neighbors”. Enjoy the sport my friends.