Whoever drives the machine…

Everyone is going on about who the nominees from each party are going to be for president.

I have my favorites, but the truth is I don’t care which one ends up driving the party machine as long as the machine that wins is the one less likely to kill people. (Meaning the Dems of course)

Since I am a hopeful person, I want to think about the things that a Democratic legislature should push through ASAP after electing a Democratic president. It makes me happy (I know- current milquetoast crop of Dems- I’m talking to you Harry Reid!- probably can’t find their ass with both hands, let alone show some fucking gumption – but without hope we are nothing)

Here’s my off the top of my head list

  1. Get us out of Iraq as quickly and painlessly as possible
  2. Lift the Global Gag Rule
  3. Universal healthcare
  4. NIH funding of stem cell research
  5. Repeal the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
  6. Repeal the Hyde amendment
  7. Protect net neutrality
  8. Clearly define torture and re-commit to being a country that does not use it
  9. Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine
  10. Repeal the Patriot act and any other measures that have been used to limit our constitutional rights under BushCo.

Like I said- this is just a quick list. Feel free to include anything else that might be missing in comments.

Also, since the republicans have been very good at framing arguments through the use of doublespeak- I am going to take a cue from them.

I will not be referring to the current war in Iraq as the Iraq War any longer. While it is a true technical name- I think we should all start calling it the Bush War. He started it, he wants to keep us in it, he wants it to be his great legacy, I think he should own it.