I need to stop being polite

One of the first classes I took when I went back to college was American Government. It was an easy class with a crazy-fabulous professor. He assigned us the African American History Calendar as part of our reading and was hands down the best person I have ever seen at taking down an idiot’s arguments without the idiot realizing it (though everyone else did).

But all classes have problems. There was one day when a couple of Seattle police officers came to talk to the class about civil rights and explain miranda warnings. They were, as many officers are want to be, full of cock swagger and machismo. One of them asked, but never answered the question “Can you rape a whore?”

I raised my hand, but for some reason I give myself away when I’m about to tear someone a new one (might be the flaring nostrils and steam coming out of my ears). I still follow the rules of a polite society and raise my fucking hand, but I don’t get called on. (This happens all the fucking time in my economics class- I think the proff knows I could tear his minimum wage arguments to bits in under 30 seconds) .

So I never got to comment on “Can you rape a whore?”

Apparently a judge in Pennsylvania has answered the question for me with a big giant NO. Even if the woman was held at gunpoint and gang raped- it’s just theft of services.

I think I need a really big drink now.