So I go away for a summer and….

The housing bubble bursts.

Totally predictable- the puppet heads on TV don’t blame reckless lending practices or the lovely shell game of packaging mortgages so they look lower risk than they actually are, they blame poor people.

Poor people who want to own their own home. Poor people who are doing what they have been told to do all their lives. Work hard, save money, invest in a house because it’s the safest, most useful place you can put your money. People who are following the American Dream line that has been force fed to us all. But it’s those damn poor people who can’t qualify for traditional mortgages that are responsible for the current mess.

Fuck that. If Alan Fucking-I love Ayn Rand- Magic Fixer of the Economy- Greenspan could not predict this bubble bursting- then neither could all those people who don’t have fancy degrees in economics or haven’t spent their entire careers analyzing how money works.

Though I will say this- all those talking puppet heads on TV may finally make it really clear to the rest of us that the American Dream of the white picket fence was never intended for everybody but it was intended to make us work our asses off and not blame the power elite when all that work doesn’t pay off.

Than again, maybe we’ll be too busy watching the latest edition of Dancing with the Stars to care.
