I heart Elizabeth Edwards

Screaming banshee Ann Coulter appeared on on Hardball with Chris Matthews and Elizabeth Edwards called in to ask Ann to stop the personal attacks on her family. Elizabeth was way more polite than I would have been (see my NC17 rating). After all, Coulter has called her husband a “faggot” and accused him of driving around with a bumper sticker that read “Ask me about my son’s death in a horrific car accident.” I would have torn Ann to pieces with my bare hands, but Elizabeth is way more classy than I am.

Here’s my favorite bit from Elizabeth:

I haven’t talked to John about this call. I’m making the call as a mother. I’m the mother of that boy who died. My children participate — these young people behind you are the age of my children. You’re asking them to participate in a dialogue that is based on hatefulness and ugliness instead of on the issues, and I don’t think that’s serving them or this country very well.

Video and a full transcript here

And just a few other reasons to love her:

Marriage Equality

Putting up with the awful interview style of Katie Couric when being grilled about breast cancer (funny thing is- Katie didn’t give up her job when her husband had colon cancer. Was she putting family first or her ambition?)

And rumor has it that she is way more on the ball with the internet stuff than her hubby (who says girls don’t like technology- puh-lease!)

One thought on “I heart Elizabeth Edwards

  1. Y’know, why isn’t Elizabeth running for the presidency??

    (Just had to say that.)

    Man, she was a lot calmer than I would have been if I had been talking to Ann Coulter. I would have reamed Ann BIGTIME. But then, that little vampire would have enjoyed **that,** wouldn’t she?

    Since Coulter likes to attack Hilary’s supposedly chubby legs, has anyone noticed that Coulter has the body of a coke head or meth addict?? Or is she just anorexic?

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