2012 is Already Here!

OK, I am cheating here, crossposting between here and my site at mundaneastrology.net I know my astrological work is beyond the ken of most people on the planet now, but the topic below ties intimately with issues we will increasingly face over the next ten years.
The more astute among us will have noticed that the issues of the 60s reverberate throughout our lives everyday. Civil rights, women’s, racial and gay, while improved, remain unresolved. The US finds itself in another unwinnable war and protesters search for new means to convince politicians to remove troops from harm’s way. The mid 60s included the Cultural Revolution, the Seven Day War, Saddam Hussein’s climb to power; Africa gained confidence in its efforts to throw off colonial chain; Che Guevara made efforts to spread unrest in South America. In so many ways what happened then laid the seeds for what we experience now. In so many ways the 60s saw ways of old come to an end. It marked an end of innocence, but also the birth of new ways. The era of Ozzie and Harriet came to an end, shattered by gunshots that erased two Kennedys and Martin Luther King and the pen of Rachel Carson.

Then and Now Astrologically

October 29, 1966

I chose the chart above based on the fact that it was on the day of an eclipse, typically times that mark important dates throughout a year. It just so happens it is the day that the National Organization of Women drew up its charter. Outer planet wise, Saturn (bottom of the chart, 3rd house) is opposite Uranus conjunct Pluto (top of the chart, 9th house). Without repeating the details, note that the events mentioned already tie into this astrological configuration. Conjunctions (Uranus aligned with Pluto) represent seed moments, both beginnings and ends. The last Uranus-Pluto conjunction before this one appeared around 1848, the year of revolutions all across Europe, when the Communist Manifesto reached publication and the Seneca Falls Convention first launched a feminist movement. A layperson probably finds these connections unconvincing, but astrologers are not surprised that much of what happened in the 60s reflects the previous Uranus-Pluto conjunction period of the mid to late 1840s. I don’t expect the uninitiated to accept this association, but the open-minded will at least pay attention.

June 26, 2010

In the chart above the three main components again find themselves in interesting alignments, Saturn opposes Uranus, as it did in the mid-sixties, but Uranus has moved 90° in relation to Pluto, a condition known as a lower square. The technical details do not matter as much as knowing that the components remain the same thought their relative positions will have changed. For perspective know that the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 appeared under similar Uranus-Pluto conditions.
The main point to take from this that unlike the other 2012 predictions, this one is based on a system anyone can follow. The connections between the 60s and present, escalating issues follow a clear path tied to real issues we can understand in today’s terms. Most will remain skeptical about these connections, but when 2010 brings up all of the issues festering since the 60s remember where you heard it first!

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