John Edwards makes me squishy inside

So I am coming out as a great big Edwards supporter, and not just because Wonder’s mother (my favorite Aunt) says that we are distant cousins to him.

Let’s see some recent Edwards quotes- shall we?

“The war on terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It’s a bumper sticker, not a plan….It has damaged our alliances and weakened our standing in the world.”

“I believe that couples in committed, long-term relationships should have the same rights, benefits, and responsibilities, whether they are straight couples or same-sex couples. I support civil unions to guarantee gay and lesbian couples the same rights as straight couples, including inheritance rights, hospital visitation rights, equal pension and health care benefits, and all of the 1,100 other legal protections government affords married couples. I support the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act provision that prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex relationships. Gay marriage is an issue I feel internal conflict about and I continue to struggle with it. However, I believe the right president could lead the country toward consensus around equal rights and benefits for all couples in committed, long-term relationships.”

“Washington failed America today when Congress surrendered to the president’s demand for another blank check that prolongs the war in Iraq. It is time for this war to end.Congress should immediately use its funding power to cap troop levels in Iraq at 100,000, stop the ongoing surge, and force an immediate drawdown of 40-50,000 troops, followed by a complete withdrawal in about a year.The American people’s call for a new course in Iraq was not answered today, but Congress still has the power to end this war. Our security and democracy alike demand it.”

So he calls Bush out on his “War on Terror” propaganda, doesn’t think the Dems should have caved in the Iraq spending bill, thinks everyone should be able to get married, wants Universal healthcare, and is the ONLY ONLY ONLY candidate to talk about poverty without just a glancing ‘poverty is bad’ stance.

Not to mention that anyone smart enough to get Elizabeth Edwards to marry him is an impressive dude indeed.

I am casting my vote for Edwards. There is still the chance that Gore might get into the race, and I will admit that I would be torn between the 2. But Edwards is proving himself to the kind of outspoken leader we need to rebuild after 8 years of Bushco plundering.