Imaginary people I have crushes on……

Sendhil Ramamurthy plays Dr. Mohinder Suresh on Heroes. I have a big squishy weak spot for hot indian boys and he hits that spot, hard. Whenever the kid and I watch the TV show together, the kid spends the commercial breaks teasing me about my love of the hot doctor and how I want to have a hundred of his babies and I spend the rest of the show making heavy sighs like a 15 year old in lust.

This is Mercedes, the rebel maid, from Pan’s Labyrinth. She makes me happy that same sex marriage is now legal in Spain. At first I thought her brother was awesome (being a hot guy fighting the good fight against the fascists) but Mercedes is the real hero of the story.

This is Clive Owen playing Max in the movie Bent. For a movie about the treatment of gays by the Nazis, it is a hard movie to watch, but it does have the best no sex sex scene in the history of movies (that is if watching two guys makes you happy and I am lecherous enough that it does, thank you very much).

Rachel Weiss as Tessa Quayle in the Constant Gardner. I love her fearlessness and generosity.