Sexuality, intentional communities, and the idoloatry of marriage

At this point these are just random thoughts…. I think American Christians, especially of the “evangelical” persuasion, have made an idol of the “Traditional Family”

Do gay/lesbian people and celibate people have a common difficulty fitting in to the evangelical christian world?

I know from outside the church it might seem like the two groups have nothing in common – celibate people by definition don’t have sex, therefore (supposedly) aren’t engaging in “immorality” so should have the approval of all the good little curch folks, yes?

oh no, no, no, my friends…

While there are whole online and in-person communities of “Christian Singles,” a large percentage of which function as much more than simple mee(a)t markets. However most of them seem to have at their core the idea that that singleness is a “condition” (cured by application of a wedding ring??) or a “season in life” in which we’re all just out there waiting for God to bring us our One True Love, with whom we will then rush to the altar, say our vows, and settle down to our true business… having babies and building a “Christian Family”

Well what about the family of God? What about Paul’s comments that the married person’s attentions are divided between heaven and earth, while the single is more free to attend to the things of God? what about the hints in the bible that in the “last days” people will be relieved that they have no children?

Within a few months of splitting with my ex (to whom i was not legally married, but i did consider him my husband, and many of our friends came to understand us likewise) I was talking about the breakup with a friend, and expressed the thought that maybe i wasn’t ready to be married. I’m sure she meant well, when she opined that i should get ready as i wasn’t getting any younger. >:| note to self: statements of the obvious are hardly ever encouraging.