Oh those dumb girls

Dear Andrea Otanez:

Please pull your head out of your ass. I have no idea where you get the impression that women “do not follow politics or foreign policy, and that some, if married, rely on their husbands for political news. Men read newspapers and news magazines for that kind of information while women, in general, do not.” But I think it must come from inhaling “exceptionalism” fumes.

Let’s see, just today I have read the NY Times, LA times, Salon, numerous political blogs, and obviously the Seattle Times, where you thought it was ok to spew your ignorance. I plan on checking out the Guardian and Le Monde once I am done telling you to shove it. Oh and I read the Economist and Atlantic Monthly because they are both just damn good magazines.

Yes, women are busy. We still do the lion’s share of the housework and child care. We work full-time, go to school, take care of elderly parents, etc. All of these things may make us run around with endless to do lists, but they also make us acutely aware of the personal costs of government policies. We know how sad educational funding is because we are volunteering at our children’s schools to make up for budget shortages. We know how screwed up the healthcare system is because we make the doctor’s appointments. We worry about the current wars and the ones Dear leader wants to start because we have husbands or boyfriends or girlfriends or sons and daughters who already are fighting, or may have to go fight in the future .

These things make us more compelled to read the newspaper, not less. They make us more aware of how personal the political is.

Your argument that women let their husbands do all the news hunting for them is almost as old as the “we can’t let the little ladies vote cause it would corrupt them” idea. It should have gone out with the corset.

I mentioned exceptionalism before because you seem to think you are special, one of the few women in a sea of men with enough sense to read the paper daily. You are not so special. Please stop lecturing us women on how we should be more informed and get some actual information next time. You are a journalist and professor, shouldn’t you spend more time teaching and writing about facts rather writing idiotic columns with no purpose other than to give you a platform to spew bullshit and make you feel superior?

Red Queen

PS- I have no idea whose Anna Nicole Smith’s baby daddy and a large portion of us would like to see more real news and less celebrity sensationalism, or in the case of your column- journalistic hubris.