Why I Love Air America

Air America recently filed for bankruptcy protection, supplying fodder for right-wing liars for a few days. Of course, Faux News failed to report that it hemorraghed funds for the first five years of existence, only living off Murdoch’s sick plan for media penitration (the same one used in the other markets that he got rich from). Lefties, listeners or not, should be far from discouraged.
I listen to Air America most of the time. Don’t feel sorry for me, my computer easily process es multi-streams–I typically listen to LoungeRadio as my other stream. For those in Seattle, stick with the online stream, except between 6 and 9 am; Stephanie Miller is pretty funny.
Speaking of funny, I think Al Franken is one of the funniest men on the planet. He takes self-depricating humor to a new level. The way he gets guest to repeat topics in simpler terms by playing dumb works everytime. At the same time, Al has guests who honestly lift the curtains to reveal what’s behind the scenes. Tom Oliphant, Amy Goodman from Democracy Now are regular guests. His show last week linked here included Bob Woodward, of course, but also Frank Rich, who wrote “The Great Story Ever Sold”, about how the Bush adminstration stole America. Listening to Al for a week, you can tell how much work goes into his shows. He does his best to provide fair and honest reporting while giving no doubt that he is on the side of humanity. Beyond his show, he and other Air America personalities are guests of the enemies, attempting to stem the lies they use to shaft America.
Yesterday on the Randi Rhodes show, Henry Bechtel called in as a listener. He is a right-wing pastor who just came out with another book that details the thievery perpetuated by the mega-Churches and their axis of evil allies in the Republican party. He called in because he knew that he could be heard on her show. I had never heard of Mr. Bechtel, nor would I have in likelihood have if I just kept my political listening to NPR. Unlike their counterparts, Air America is open to all views, a welcome departure from preaching to the choir.
Air America is here to stay. Progressive radio, not just Air America, is about to take a spot next to the right-wing garbage that now epitomizes talk radio. Progressivism does not mean anti-capitalist. Making money and having a consscience is more difficult, but not impossible.

4 thoughts on “Why I Love Air America

  1. I swear you and I have been having the same arguement about progressive media since we first met. I like more nuance and I don’t like being told how to think, even though Air America is MUCH better than the right at allowing opposing views and debating them.

    Really- I think the very first conversation we ever had was on this topic- right before I sent either a rubber band or a bottle cap flying at your head.

  2. Famous people like us have discussions that last years, then when we die, people print our correspondance.

    I am not sure how Air America was 2 years ago when it started, but I never get the inkling that Air America attempts to steer my point of view.

    The other thing I like is that they quote all the stupid stuff right-wing pundits and charlatans say. they keep me up-to-date with the bulsshit the other side is trying to purvey. Air America serves more of starting point for me and helps me with that other need of mine: being a shut-in, you need to hear voices to keep from going crazy. I need voices and I would rather have voices that share my perspective.

    Yes, we are both wonks, but not everyone is. I would rather have AA giving out opinions than the alternative.

  3. I listened for a while 2 years ago but I would rather read most of my news so i can go check sources, etc. That’s why I’m a salon junkie.

    You are my favorite shut in though- but your ass better be at my house for Turkey day (to be known in the future as the day of celabrating the rape and pillage of indigenous people day through copious amounts of carb laden food)

  4. That was 2 years ago. AA has changed a lot. I don’t expect that my recommendation will make you listen, I just want to help you see that AA is a potent ally for our causes. Some has to fight the lies of Limbaugh and O’reilly. AA is doing a great job in that.

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