Halleluja! The line between church and state sure is fuzzy!

I’m sorry, but just because you’re holier than thou doesn’t mean your ass should be taking tax breaks simply because of your religious standing.

Seriously, maybe it’s time we all declared ourselves preachers in the church of the individual and took a tax break for our housing costs.

Let’s see, tax breaks for preachers, but not their less well paid staff. And no tax break for us non-religious types that do the same kind of work. I work in the inner city teaching vocational students how to write business letters and resumes so they are productive members of society, it’s alot more practical than saying prayers and has better results in the long run. Where’s my tax break for that?

Oh and the churches not paying unemployment crap- ah no. Seriously, just cause you think you got God on your side doesn’t mean shit. I think even Jesus said “render unto Ceasar”.

Everyday I hate organized religion just a little more.

3 thoughts on “Halleluja! The line between church and state sure is fuzzy!

  1. cozying up to the powerful is ruining the church…

    If any Christians are out there listening, and still supporting these people and their horrendous policies, WAKE UP!

    you are being sold, en masse, to Caesar.

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