Seriously, a milk carton?

As some of you know the shit has hit the fan at the RQ castle and every day I find myself in some new battle threatening legal action. For example, after not being paid for weeks I had to send an email to every single administrative head threatening a lawsuit for their repeat violations of federal law. Then I fought with my bank manager when the bank put a hold on one of my deposits. I pointed out how it was in violation of federal reserve law to hold that type of deposit. He said “I’ve been in banking for over 12 years and this is the first time a customer knew more than me”. He apologized and fixed it, but not after bouncing a check. I haven’t bounced a check in 5 years. Fuck.

So this is what I’m doing, everyday. In this case, the personal is political because everyday I find myself having to inform people who should know better what the laws governing their jobs are. I should so get an honorary law degree for this shit.

I am back to work maybe next week and I should have some time and space to write. I do miss you all, but sometimes you’ve got to hibernate when things are rough.


2 thoughts on “Seriously, a milk carton?

  1. welcome back (you know the welcome back Kotter song)

    We would have found you faster if that “have seen this woman” was plastered on the side of vodka bottles!

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