Fun with Typos and Win the Damn Cookie!

Yeah- we all can’t be perfect little spelling and grammar bitches. Today’s typos rock though.

DeeK was talking about how his favorite planet, hemp, would solve our biofuel problem. Would planet hemp be the planet of the stoners?

But I can’t pick on Deek alone. Oh no- I am nothing if not the queen of typos and premature e-postulation.

for example- Benjamin Franklin didn’t talk about how we scarifce liberty.

So new Giant Cookie Game for this week- instead of guessing song lyrics- the person who finds the most typos from this weeks posts gets the giant cookie of grammar bitchitude. And then they can suck on it.

3 thoughts on “Fun with Typos and Win the Damn Cookie!

  1. Of course darling- I’m not picking on just you. I suck big monkey balls without spell check. And nobody got the giant fucking cookie last week. I figured after awhile someone would have cheated and googled it, but no.

    I also know your address is 420 Maryjane Way, Munchie City, Planet Hemp.

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