News from the plant wars

As you all know, there is a battle going on in my backyard between the Morning Glories and the Blackberries. After what I thought were successful negotiations last summer and a quite winter, the two plants were back at it with a force this spring.

This weekend, after hostilities were no longer tolerable to peaceful neighbors, my trusty crew of rake, weedeater and I initiated UN style peacekeeping operations. The only way this was going to work was by cutting back both sides to a bare minimum. I am proud to say that after much struggle, peace has been achieved.

Morning Glories (top) and Blackberries after battle.
There were some unexpected finds during battle: a long lost sandal, half a dozen roof tiles, an Olympia beer can that must have come from a party last August and some pretty pink flowers that have no business in war.

Unfortunately, as in any war, there were casualties. First, I broke a nail. I know, you’re probably railing against the injustice in that. I certainly am. Next, my trusty weedwacker lost it’s head and started to smoke after tackling a particularly nasty blackberry branch. Funeral will be held at the dumpster sometime before trash pickup on Wednesday.
Let’s hope the plants don’t catch on that I have lost my trusty weedwacker. It is only their fear that keeps them in line now.

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