What would your superpower be?

The Kid loves fantasy stuff. He likes to imagine that he is some all powerful warrior with the ability to smite enemies with a single blow. At least once a week, we have a discussion about “what would your superpower be?” He changes his powers almost every week. Sometimes it’s super-strength. Sometimes it’s invisibility. Sometimes, after an especially long day when we are walking home, he wants rocket powered feet to power him up the hill by our house.

I always want the same things- the ability to speak every language and to shoot laser beams out of my left eye when my eyebrow is raised. The Kid thinks it’s boring that I don’t want to be able to fly around the world or stop time, but I think language and lasers are pretty cool.

So kids- what would your superpower be?

6 thoughts on “What would your superpower be?

  1. I’m one of the lucky people with the Nicholson brow as well. I would love to be able to shoot lasers from it. I think my superpower would be flight. Stopping time and invisibility appeal too much to my wicked side.

    Let me try and spice it up a bit though: I would have the power of flight (and I mean mach speeds) and I would be able to take a hover-nap anywhere I wanted. I could just curl up three feet above any peice of earth and sleep on an invisible hammock.

  2. Ohhhhh- hover naps! That rocks. I wonder if it would work on airplanes? It would be so much nicer than trying to sleep curled up in a tiny seat with knees getting permanent indents from the plastic seat backs. I wonder if the flight attendants would get freaked out though?

  3. No, the flight attendants would love it. They could have a game of air hockey with you as you slept, for fun!

  4. the ability to time travel at will would be a great super power. time travel by itself would be great, but I wanted to be precise with my wish in case it came true.

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