In case you thought you were more than just a baby making machine

From the Washington Post:

New federal guidelines ask all females capable of conceiving a baby to treat themselves — and to be treated by the health care system — as pre-pregnant, regardless of whether they plan to get pregnant anytime soon.

That’s right chickies. Since you may someday get pregnant you should act like you are about to be pregnant all the fucking time.

No mention that a woman ought to be given advice by their doctors about how to stay healthy because it would be beneficial to her own health. No, it’s all about the health of a potential fetus.

Experts acknowledge that women with no plans to get pregnant in the near future may resist preconception care.

Ya think? Now why on earth would a woman with no plans to get pregnant possibly be resistant to being treated like a womb with legs? Just for that I am going to smoke an entire pack of Marlboro 100’s, drink a couple of vodka tonics and seriously neglect my folic acid intake. While I’m at it I’m gonna lick lead paint from walls and clean litter boxes with my bare hands.

4 thoughts on “In case you thought you were more than just a baby making machine

  1. Sorry if my previous comment was unnecessarily snippy…

    I spent a good chunk of this afternoon pacing back and forth, digging up lint from my parents’ dining room rug.

    I’m tapering off my meds… turns out they can cause birth defects… bad ones…

    No, I’m not pregnant, or planning to be any time real soon…

    but there’s always that chance

  2. That being said, if I should need to go back on ’em…
    I don’t want some know-it-all with initials after his name saying

    “Sorry missy, but you’re of childbearing age, so you’ll just have to tough it out”

  3. Not at all snippy. I hate that i can’t insert links here but docs are allready keeping women from using more functional anti-seizure meds because they are child-bearing age, even if the women have no intention of becoming pregnant and use birth control.

  4. Yeah, I had a friend who went off her seizure meds because she was trying to get pregnant… and i’m thinkin,
    “ohh-kayy, but if you have a seizure and crash your car(which she has done several times), what’s THAT going to do to the baby?”

    Damned if we do, damned if we don’t…

    Biology Sucks

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