Warning: Brazen Hussies Make Boys Soft!

It’s a day ending in y- so I must write about sex. What can I say- it’s my favorite hobby (sex, not the writing about it).

This inane article at the Washington Post is:

A) The crappiest piece of investigative reporting ever
B) One more attempt to prove that girls who like sex are bad for boys
C) A really bad excuse to put Weezer lyrics in a newspaper article
D) All of the above.

Adam Skrodzki, a tall, redheaded senior at the University of Maryland, bench-presses a respectable 280 pounds. He fights fires in Howard County as a volunteer and plans to join the Secret Service in the fall. In short, he’s a man’s man.

Or so he thought until last fall, when he hooked up with a sophomore — at her urging.

But on this night, their first in bed, his body was telling him something else. She used every trick she knew, with no success. Adam panicked.

The author goes on to explain that studies of the number of young men who have erection difficulties are hard to come by, yet still seems to think that:

It seems that for a sizable number of young men, the fact that they can get sex whenever they want may have created a situation where, in fact, they’re unable to have sex. According to surveys, young women are now as likely as young men to have sex and by countless reports are also as likely to initiate sex, taking away from males the age-old, erotic power of the chase.

That’s right, us whoring hussies who like sex and are willing to say so diminish boys ability because boys no longer get the thrill of the chase.

Our insipid reporter does talk to a professional or two who say that stress, eating habits, health and increased awareness of drugs to help the problem may be adding to the numbers of young men who are seeking treatment, but then goes right back to blaming us girls.

One can argue that a young woman speaking her mind is a sign of equality. “That’s a good thing,” says Sawyer, father of four daughters. “But for some guys, it has come at a price. It’s turned into ED in men you normally wouldn’t think would have ED.”

And she’s not alone in blaming the girls.

Helen Czapary, the Maryland junior, has been in a couple of similar situations, and suspects she knows what Skrodzki’s partner thought: “It was my fault. Maybe I was, like, pressuring him.”

Skrodzki, the bench-pressing man’s man, let his partner of last fall think these things after his malfunction. He’s not particularly proud of that.

“She didn’t know what to do,” he recalls. “She said something like, ‘I can’t please you.’ I let her think that to conceal my reputation.”

Now, several successes later, with this girl and others, “I’ll take my share of the blame.”

Right- so after his hard-on returns he can actually admit it wasn’t the girl’s blow job skills that were lacking, but only after his pimpaliciousness had been restored.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that boys who can’t get it up with a girl because she expects to be satisfied and is able to express that probably don’t have enough maturity to be having sex with anyone. Any boy worth getting naked for knows there is more than one way to get a girl off and they don’t all involve the cock.

2 thoughts on “Warning: Brazen Hussies Make Boys Soft!

  1. Ha, Ha! I think its funny as hell. A boy who can’t get it up b/c of an imagined inferiority points to a poor use of imagination. Besides, an erection should be considered a given. Usually, its about third or fourth on my list. Women have natural goodies that take a while to warm up, but are so worth the wait.

    When it comes down to it (ha, ha?), the mind is still the biggest sex organ.

    I thought we moved beyond all this shit.

  2. I have actually run into a boy who would go soft whenever I got assertive- but I cut him some slack because he was foreign and my little inner-idealist thought that he just needed someone to show him the way. (And he had piano player fingers)

    The way was permanently closed when he said girls shouldn’t learn how to masterbate because then they need men less.

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