Sneaky little recruiters

Wonder and I were talking about the sneakiness of military recruiters this morning. See, I live in a poor neighborhood near a highschool. In the only shopping center for the neighborhood (this is the ghetto- big grocery stores don’t want to compete for food stamp dollars) are all the military recruiters. Army, Navy and either Air Force or Marines (I can never remember which) all have men with crew-cuts and well-pressed uniforms wandering around all the time. Now, 3 miles up the road, where all the docs and proffs for the university live- there isn’t a military recruiter to be found. I’m sure if they even tried- eyebrows would be raised considerably over there. But even here in the ghetto, they aren’t getting much business lately. This is despite the reduction in student loans and financial aid to colleges. Guess the real possibility of dying in war isn’t a great marketing strategy.

So I am perusing craigslist today- checking out jobs, cause like I said- they cut financial aid and the Queen’s coffers are seriously diminished at the moment. I may have to take a break from school for a bit and go work a real job.

Then I ran across this:
Which leads to this little bit of crap:

Funny- I didn’t know that dying in a fucked-up war constituted customer service work. And $250 a month seems like a paltry sum to me. No wonder they can’t get anyone to join up.

But how sneaky is it to post on craigslist as a customer service job? Pretty damn sneaky in my opinion.