Women’s Work

(What the Red Queen would make every year if she was paid for all the crap she does- Happy Mother’s Day!)
I just wanted to keep this on the front burner – and add links!

The Red Queen suggested we ask “when in the history of the world have women not worked?”

The answer is, of course, NEVER.

Our work has just not always been valued by the prevailing culture in the same way that men’s has…

Even if you use the extremely narrow (and very recent) definition of “work” as “leave house-arrive at workplace-perform assigned tasks-receive compensation in local currency-go home”
Women have been “working” every bit as long as men…

What gets me is how many people use the Bible as their justification for the

The Bible: Lydia the Textile Merchant

The Bible: the “Noble Wife” of Proverbs 31

The Bible: Deborah, Judge of Israel

What Would Mom’s Job Pay?

Typical Seattle Working Mom would make $95K if paid for the year