Fun with sitemeter

Some fun things I have discovered while checking out our Sitemeter info

1) If you search msn for hot girls wallpapers we show up as the 7th site. You’d be amazed at how many people get directed to our little site because of that. Little do they know they are actually getting Lovejoy’s piece about Macho Vs. Girly. Guess it’s one way of fighting the patriarchy- haha

2) If you search Yahoo for thankyoustevencolbert- we are #3 of 3 sites that shows up

3) My little post on ladyquakes also seems to draw them in – especially since Sister Nancy Beth Eczema linked back to our site) (scroll down to everyone gets a holiday but Jesus- we are the to speculate part of the link

4) Despite Mephistopheles tendency to be long winded- his posts on immigration vs environment and intelligence being linked to income have drawn in their own little following. Good for him!

And the number one thing I noticed while writing this post- we have to stop using vs. some much in our titles- macho vs. girly, income vs. intelligence, immigration vs environment