Geek Political Theory Alert

So for the major theory geeks- there has been a bit of an academic battle between the theories of Francis Fukuyama (End of History) and Samuel Huntington (Clash of Civilizations). My poly sci proff is a Huntington freak- so Fukuyama was barely skimmed over in my international relations class and I didn’t pay much attention. I preferred to bitch about Huntingdon’s eurocentric bullshit (for the record- I am a die hard fan of Emmanuel Wallerstien’s structuralist theories, which puts me on the far left).

Then I read this and watched this. Fukuyama is steadfastly based in free market liberalism (trade=democracy=more trade=more democracy=more trade) but he deftly explains the neocons ‘realism” of creating an enemy in order to gain more power. I remember the attempts to make China the most feared nation (while Clinton was giving China most favored nation trade status). I have often wondered if the neocons were really that paranoid or if they were trying to instill fear where none was needed. Turns out they are all about exploiting the fear.

So now that the evil empire is Muslim instead of Soviet- you can bet your ass there will be an invasion of Iran. They could not possibly let diplomacy do it’s job because diplomacy defeats the image of the scary Muslims with nuclear weapons and without an image of an enemy to fight against and protect people from, the neocons haven’t got a thing to keep us in line with.