So much for Fursday

I have macroeconomics this quarter, a class that I need but because I have been warned that the prof is an asswipe I’ve put off taking the class till the last possible moment. The warnings were true, and I spent today being told that global warming doesn’t exist and if it does it probably won’t be as bad as they say it will. Huhm, my geology prof who actually studied the receding glaciers in Greenland may disagree with him on that one (and just to be an absolute intellectual elitist snob- the geology prof went to Harvard, shove that up your conservatively clenched ass Dr. Hubert!)

Anyways, I am not much of an environmentalist not because I don’t are about our planet but because my schtick is more along the lines of human rights, feminism, poverty, etc. So when politicians who have a decent environmental record (anything is better than “clean coal”) have something to say- I’m down with their spouting.

Besides, it’s Al Gore. Remember, we voted for him once. Maybe again. I can’t help but think that a Gore/Obama ticket in 2008 might just be what we need to unfuck the donkey. So go watch the trailer for this film that he made. Looks pretty cool to me.

3 thoughts on “So much for Fursday

  1. “Besides, it’s Al Gore. Remember, we voted for him once. Maybe again. I can’t help but think that a Gore/Obama ticket in 2008 might just be what we need to unfuck the donkey.”

    So THAT’s Where he’s been hiding…
    KNEW I Liked that guy!

  2. A 50 or 100 years of data is nothing for geological timescale. Humans simply can’t predict how bad the global warming is. The ozone hole was growing for a while and then all of a sudden it shrank. Accidentally, the warming won’t be too bad for countries as Russia.

    On the other hand, fighting against global warming creates something to fight about for those who like to fight… A common enemy. But seriously, it creates a common goal that may help reduce oil dependence, advance various technologies in general, make people put insulation in their houses, etc.

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