Help on Healthcare part II

So my adled brain needs your assistance.

I am having a hard time remembering what the objections were to universal healthcare to begin with. I know there were things like: You don’t get to choose your own doctor, you have to wait for appointments or surgeries for extended periods of time, the quality of care starts to suck, etc. And for the life of me right now I am trying to figure out how that is any different from our current system.

So if y’all wouldn’t mind- please throw some of the objections you have or have heard about why we shouldn’t have universal healthcare so I can renew my arguments against them.


One thought on “Help on Healthcare part II

  1. -Crazy Government Bueracracy will become wildly expensive
    -There will be poor quality of care & you’ll have to wait in line for your heart transplant
    -Without absurdly high freemarket spending drug & equipment Co.s won’t innovate
    -Rationing/You won’t get to pick your doctor/the government will tell you what to do
    -The government can’t do anything right
    -What are you…a Commie Pinko Fag?!!!!
    -The drug companies will stop making drugs (just watch their ads)
    -I don’t want a government commitee telling my doctor what he can do (as opposed to an insurance company)
    -The isurance companies will go begging

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