I will give my left kidney

To the first person who makes me a better blog template.
This one is ugly. I know what it should look like. I have the bits (background, jpeg for the top, etc, but not enough techy know-how to post it as anything that doesn’t look like hieroglyphics.

Pretty please with sugar on top and a kidney?

3 thoughts on “I will give my left kidney

  1. I can make the template into whatever you desire, but I need the password to get to be able to preview what I am doing. You can change the pwd back so only you have access once I am done. I can probably get it done by Friday if I can get access 2nite or 2tamale (I ain’t doin no puter work estes noches). If you agree, send pwd via email.

    Your kidney? What are you trying to do kill me. Well, at least is wasn’t your liver.

  2. My liver has been well preserved in vodka (polish Pravda vodka to be exact)!

    You now have admin priveldges (and the all powerfull ability to edit)
    Use it wisely DeeK.

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