This is the kleptocracy’s wet dream

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to see it. The financial
‘crisis’ (which is really just a deepening of the poverty and
struggles of the bottom 80%) is making possible the fearmongering
required to put us peasants into a feudal system, but now we bow and
scrape to corporate masters rather than noble lords. The ‘nobody could
have predicted’ crews are lying sacks of shit. It was predicted and
exploited. defunding schools, roads, police, fire, social welfare,
social security, from cities and towns to the federal level is on
purpose. it is not the only solution to difficult times. It is the
desired outcome of kleptocrats, banksters, left and right politicians
and the buffer class they reward for keeping us rabble in line.
Austerity is not ‘necessary sacrifice’ but the end goal.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.
Willem de Kooning