Patience is a virtue (of assholes)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told to calm down and wait, these things take time and they don’t happen overnight, blahblahblahblah. I am generally being fed this particular shit sammy when some well meaning fauxgressive is trying to get me to stop screaming about how some half-assed measure to rectify injustice being not enough.

Incrementalism. It is a hallmark of democracy. Change happens, but it happens slowly, they say. If you want quick change, they threaten, go with a dictatorship. I think (pun intended) that this is a red herring of a statement. I think incrementalism is meant to lull us into a false idea of progress. I think the ginormous amount of energy we spend just to move a pebble of injustice off our chest is how they demoralize us, exhaust us, and give us the false impression that we are actually doing something useful.

Fuck that.

(only slightly off topic, but a funny aside- Wonder’s fiance and I recently had this conversation about my little benevolent dictator fantasy.
WF: but there is no such thing as a benevolent dictator
Me: Dude, if I was queen of the universe everyone would have enough healthy food, a safe place to live, medical care and education and I wouldn’t give a shit what you do with your personal life or what god you pray or don’t pray to
WF: Okay. )