The vengence fantasies of little girls

I finally watched Hard Candy. Holy fucking shit batman. I don’t know if men could understand how much the world changes for little girls. I can’t even nail down the threshold. For some of us it’s when you first get boobs, for some earlier. But suddenly you’re public property and men put their hands and mouths in places they shouldn’t. Men, old enough to be your father, start saying things about how they could split you in half.
So i loved Hard Candy. 11 year oldme wanted to do the same thing to the family friend who thought my having breasts meant he coud stick his tongue down my throat. 15 year old me wanted to do the same thing to the male teachers who looked down my shirt and then made me ashamed because they got hard.
This movie should be on the horrible/awesome list and Ellen Page’s character is my new favorite vengeful girl. There’s even a Polanski reference. If you inner teenage girl is feeling a bit bruised and silenced, and your stomach can take it, you should watcht it.