A funny thing happened

My faith in humanity got restored recently. And it turns out that it is nearly impossible for me to work up the righteous indignation I need to write while I’m busy being so damn fucking happy. Yes- I am fully aware that the last couple things I wrote meandered into incomprehensible babble.

But in my heart I’m still a realist. So given enough time and stupidity, I am sure the world will be set to right and I will go back to being my normal cranky self.

In the mean time- A Movie Review.

Last night I went and saw Street Fight. It was an awesome movie. If you think all Democrats are full of shiny bright love for democracy, you should see this movie. Cory Booker is the kind of real hope and change, down in the trenches politician I can get behind. And for once, the Big Puppy and I agreed on something political.

That said, I’ve been thinking about the presidential election. You all have nooooooo idea how much I want to be able to vote for Obama. Hell, I think I will be the first member of my family since Roosevelt to NOT vote for the Democrat. But I can’t. I can’t get behind the idea that Obama is the change we’ve been waiting for. Every time I try to push aside my doubts, something else comes screaming at me.

This election for me is the equivalent of leaving a church community. It’s like quitting Catholicism after a lifetime of mass and rosaries and confession. But my conscience won’t let me take the easy way out. Damn conscience. Always messing up the easy way.