A year ago it was so much worse

So Kid is on antibiotics. The dentist (w00t found one super close) won’t even root canal him till he’s got some of the infection under control. Kid is still feeling super shitty. He’s slept for the last 10 hours, waking up briefly because he’s either too hot or too cold or because I’ve poked him to make him wake up and take medicine or just because I am the mom and even when your baby is half a foot taller than you, you still make sure they are breathing when they sleep. Wow, I am the queen of the run on sentences.

The dentist’s verdict was the same as the dentist who told me a year ago that Kid needed a crown. The difference is that medicaid will pay for a root canal, but not for the crown that tops it. Insurance will pay for 80% for the root canal and 50% of the crown. I’ve been squirreling away little bits of money to pay for things like deductibles. I had hoped to get a bigger nest egg before I had to use it.

So last year, when the dentist told me it would be 600 bucks to fix the tooth, I cried, right there. And freaked out the kid a bit. He still hasn’t had that tooth fixed. He’s got a bunch of dental cement holding it together. That’s not the tooth that’s making him so sick now. (Yay! Genetics! Kid inherited my chalk like teeth and his dad’s weird too many teeth in the wrong places problem).

This year, well I’ve got the root canal portion paid for. And if I sign up for an FSA through work, I can have the whole