Allright Peeps

Her Royal Highness (me) has to clean my house, do my laundry, pack, hem a pair of pants, shave things, get keys made, reassure the monkey that 8 days is not that long, recover from last night’s Battlestar Galactica & Grape NeHi marathon and you know, attend my own birthday party.

Needless to say- posting will be light today.

SO consider this a delurking open thread. Got something awesome you wanna blogwhore, drop it here. Are you new, did you just find us. Say hi, we’re mostly friendly.

And of course- any new I Am Hillary links are most welcome. I’ll put you into the We are Hillary Blogroll.

And while we are being Hillary, go check out Roxie’s World (best blog written by a 13 year old dog ever). Roxie is getting honorary Hillary status for her teary- making post: Hillary: A Valediction
