Asking me to vote for Obama

is like asking a black person to vote for George Wallace.

Obama has made it clear with his every action that he disrespects women in every possible way. From the way he talks about us, to the way he uses misogyny to his advantage in the campaign. Now he’s floating Jim Web as a possible VP candidate. Webb is a former Republican and well known woman hater. But he *might* shore up some of the white working class vote Obama can’t win.

It would be one thing if Obama went the normal politician route and just ignored women. Plenty of politicians have. But he flat out HATES us. Yes, hates. Can’t be bothered to learn our names or use respectful terms (sweetie), can’t quite grasp that we should have full control of our own bodies. Doesn’t want our votes (yet- wait till he remembers that 60% of the base have vaginas). And when he does remember, you can bet he’s gonna use extortion and threats of supreme court nominees to drag women by their ovaries into the voting booth. Vote for Obama or your Democratic party will make sure you regret it.

So when I hear things like “let’s remember the goal is a Democratic White House”, I have to pause.

No, the goal for me is a world where I am considered a full human being. And voting for Obama is a step backwards from that goal. It is voting against my own best interest.

Since I cannot write Hillary in, and I cannot vote for McCain, I will vote for Cynthia McKinney.

That is not a threat. This is me, a rational and reasonable person who has voted straight Dem in every election since I came of age, voting in my own self interest as everyone should.